
The Bus Stop In Arizona

Less than a decade after Marilyn Monroe’s 1962 death, Billy made an emotional decision that, had he lived until friend Debbie Reynolds 2012 auction, he would have severely regretted. “I used to have six of Marilyn's dresses,”


In the golden days of Hollywood films, the competitive consciousness in the acting arena could be considered comparable to Rome’s ancient coliseum,

Ever Ask Yourself, How Did I Get Here From There?

Running my life thinking it was my high school dropout pea brain doing it, like a small wave thinking I was the ocean, I finally came to an awakening: God’s Grace was always in charge, like a third base baseball coach looking over my shoulder running toward home, to an outfielder throwing the ball to the plate, and saying to me “go ahead, you can make it!”

Paul Weeks Litchfield

Mr. Litchfield’s job was to develop a superior pneumatic automobile tire and improve bicycle and carriage tire production. In 1901, he designed the straight side tire and by 1905, he had improved the tire enough that Goodyear was selling tires as original equipment for automobiles.

Get to Know Litchfield Park, Arizona

The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio founded this beautiful community in 1917 during WWI and because of the boll weevil infestation in the south. Mr. Litchfield was looking to grow long-staple cotton