1937 Litchfield Park Arizona

Scientific Agriculture

An evolution of farming methods and techniques were underway at this time. The Southwest Cotton Company served as an agriculture laboratory in the trial and development of new types of farm equipment.
The Phoenix Bird Always Rises

The Phoenix Bird Always Rises

Watching the refined atelier work at the house of Chanel, via YouTube, was as nurturing to my heart as moist dewdrops
Elena Rising by Pat Hicks

Elena Rising

Elena’s family of tobacco growers escape from Castro’s Cuba to Puerto Rico only to have her career dream to become a dancer turn to terror as she unwittingly dances her way
Pat Hicks Author

The Mystery Play

Scientifically speaking, we are literally a mass of subatomic particles expanding and moving through our universe since the Big Bang. It is condensed into form at the whim of God to act out our purpose on Shakespeare’s “stage” in a Mystery Play.

Litchfield Park Early Churches

The Southwest Cotton Company brought many farm laborers into the area to harvest cotton. Over 2,500 men were brought in from Mexico and the surrounding areas. This influx of new families created a need for many new services into the area.

Cheating Death

He’s had several experiences where he almost died and was miraculously saved and he shares them with you in his book, Cheating Death,

Awareness a Mystifying Word

I believe as the Mystics do, that we are literally One – Waves appearing as separate, yet inseparable from the infinite universal Divine ocean of Beingness, not our puny limited egoic minds with feckless thoughts only useful to navigate us through life’s landmines of our own making.

The Wigwam Litchfield Park, Arizona

The Wigwam opened on Thanksgiving Day in 1929 as a public resort with 13 rooms to accommodate 24 guests. Upon check-in everyone was assigned a horse as it was considered a Dude Ranch.

Ever Ask Yourself, How Did I Get Here From There?

Running my life thinking it was my high school dropout pea brain doing it, like a small wave thinking I was the ocean, I finally came to an awakening: God’s Grace was always in charge, like a third base baseball coach looking over my shoulder running toward home, to an outfielder throwing the ball to the plate, and saying to me “go ahead, you can make it!”