Trading Fours

Trading Fours by Pat Hicks

Trading Fours

By Pat Hicks

Trading Fours This book chronicles the miraculous unfolding of one man’s journey during the magical decades of the 1970s and 80s. It is an American success story of the founding of the famous Musicians Institute in Hollywood, California, by entrepreneur Pat Hicks. An Entrepreneur’s Story With no more than an idea and a pitiful few dollars, Pat struck out to find his dream. Hope and Wonder From the first class of 35 students in March of 1977 through its golden years of the 1980’s, thousands of hopeful students flooded up the stairs of a funky old building on Holly wood Boulevard with “Hope and Wonder” in their hearts. Here, they entered the company of some of the greatest musicians in history. Becky and Pat Hicks became the ‘mom and dad’ to a generation of developing young talent. This book’s heartwarming, humorous, triumphant, and sometimes tragic stories herald those who came together to create the character, culture, and success of Musicians Institute.”