
Performing Under Pressure-Part 1

In order to examine the impact of pressure on our performance, we must distinguish between pressure and stress.
Executive Coaching

Letting Go of False Solidity

When we engage in behaviors that protect our feelings of safety we are essentially putting ourselves in a box.

Blocks to Change

When we believe that the cost of making a change outweighs the potential success of the change, we pull back avoiding making the change.
Executive Coaching

To Not Decide is To Decide

What blocks us from making a decision? Fear is the major obstacle. We fear that we will make the wrong decision, we fear missing what we have to give up, we fear public (and private) reaction to our decision, and we basically fear change
Dr Peggy Marshall

All In Change Agility

Think about the following questions as you evaluate the changes you are trying to make in your life. How does the E+E+E formula fit into your change agility?

What Would MY Life

I am too busy-which translates into I don’t have enough time or it will take a long time. How many times have you heard “time is all you have”?
Attitudinal Foundations

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

‘Mindfulness is the capacity to be fully aware of all that one experiences inside the self-body
Goodyear Blimp

The Goodyear Blimp Super Bowl XLIX

First Airship In 1910, Mr. Paul Litchfield attended an air meet in Europe and saw his first airship. Mr. Litchfield liked the fact that it depended on lifting gas
Dr. Peggy Marshall

Thanksgiving-From Then to Now

Gratitude is extremely important to our well-being and our success in life. Shawn Achor (2) in “The Happiness Advantage” reports that “consistently grateful people are more energetic, emotionally intelligent, forgiving, and less likely to be depressed, anxious, or lonely.”