Coaching Experts

Coaching is training or development in which a person called a “coach” supports a learner in achieving a specific personal or professional goal. The learner is sometimes called a “coachee”. Occasionally, “coaching” may mean an informal relationship between two people, of whom one has more experience and expertise than the other and offers advice and guidance as the latter learns; but coaching differs from mentoring in focusing on competence specifics, as opposed to general overall development.

Some coaches use a style in which they ask questions and offer opportunities to challenge the learner to find his or her own answers. This helps the learner find answers and new ways of being based on their own values, preferences and perspectives.

What Would MY Life

I am too busy-which translates into I don’t have enough time or it will take a long time. How many times have you heard “time is all you have”?
Attitudinal Foundations

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

‘Mindfulness is the capacity to be fully aware of all that one experiences inside the self-body
Dr. Peggy Marshall

The Best Strategy

I am going to be discussing a strategy to help you focus on a way to challenge yourself to be successful
Giving & Receiving

Giving and Receiving

It’s an exciting time of year as our energy focuses on those we love and those whom we can offer support to during the holiday season.
Dr. Peggy Marshall

Thanksgiving-From Then to Now

Gratitude is extremely important to our well-being and our success in life. Shawn Achor (2) in “The Happiness Advantage” reports that “consistently grateful people are more energetic, emotionally intelligent, forgiving, and less likely to be depressed, anxious, or lonely.”
Dr. Peggy Marshall

The Power Hour

If you choose this option, you will want to keep your journal or action plan readily available so that you can document progress and success.


As you reflect on the fall season and the confidence that nature demonstrates in surrender, how can you
Best Self

Living into OUR Best Selves

In this circumstance a person stands back and refuses to help because they do not want to own a given situation. It is hard to become a trusted person when we back away from lending a hand.
Dr. Peggy Marshall

Making Productivity Your Friend

The first behavior that Haden discusses is the creation of a process that leads to a goal- recommending that we need to create systems not goals. This seems to fly in contrast to our January 1 activity of setting goals for the upcoming year.